The Dominic Barker Trust, affectionately known as Dom’s Fund, was established in 1997 to honor the memory of Dominic, who tragically succumbed to his persistent stammer at the age of 26 in 1994. While fluent speech is often taken for granted, individuals who stutter or stammer endure significant unseen challenges in communication, expending immense energy navigating through conversations, anticipating difficult words, and managing societal pressures. Stuttering not only leads to frustration and isolation but also exposes individuals to various forms of discrimination. Our mission at Dom’s Fund is to address these challenges comprehensively.
Through our funding initiatives, we strive to advance research into the underlying causes and effective treatments for stammering. By supporting clinical efforts of Speech and Language Therapists and facilitating practical research at grassroots levels, we aim to bridge the gap between scientific understanding and practical solutions for individuals who stutter. Additionally, we champion local and national initiatives geared towards destigmatizing stammering, combating prejudice, and raising awareness to combat ignorance surrounding this speech disorder.
At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to improving the quality of life for those affected by stammering. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to communicate confidently and without fear of judgment. Through collaborative efforts with researchers, clinicians, and advocacy groups, we seek to create a more inclusive society where individuals who stutter can thrive and contribute fully to their communities. Together, we envision a future where stuttering is met with empathy, understanding, and support, rather than shame or discrimination.
With a deep understanding of the profound impact of stammering on individuals and their families, Dom’s Fund remains dedicated to driving positive change in the field of speech disorders. By fostering research, supporting clinical interventions, and promoting societal acceptance, we aspire to honor Dominic's memory by transforming the lives of those affected by stuttering. Join us in our mission to empower individuals who stutter, advocate for their rights, and build a more inclusive world where every voice is heard and valued.
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